Past Research

2018 Research

by Dr. Janusz Zalewski

Safety and Security Analysis of Control Chains in SCADA Using the NFR Approach

Nary Subramanian, Janusz Zalewski

IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 51, Issue 6, pp. 214-219, 2018

Abstract: The objective of this research is to shed light on the applicability of the Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) Approach to the concept of control chains for the combined analysis of safety and security of SCADA systems and, more generally, to computer systems used in automation, including functional safety and security standards. The paper discusses the concept of control chains, presents an overview of the NFR Approach, and applies this approach to the safety and security analysis of control chains in a case study of the automatic control of the hydrocarbon tank pressure control system.

Introducing a Cybersecurity Mindset into Software Engineering Undergraduate Courses

Ingrid A. Buckley, Peter J. Clarke, Janusz Zalewski

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), Volume 9, Issue 6, 2018

Abstract: Cybersecurity is a growing problem globally. Software helps to drive and optimize businesses in every aspect of modern life. Software systems have been under continued attacks by malicious entities, and in some cases, the consequences have been catastrophic. In order to tackle this pervasive problem, emphasis has been placed on educating software developers on how to develop secure systems. The majority of attacks on software systems have been largely due to negligence, lack of education, or incorrect application of cybersecurity defenses. As a result, there is a movement to increase cybersecurity education at all levels: novice, intermediate and expert. At the college level, students can be exposed to cybersecurity skills and principles that will better equip them as they transition into the workforce. A case study is presented which assesses the cybersecurity knowledge of juniors and seniors in a software engineering degree program taught over a one-semester period.

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